This page contains the lore present in older versions of Paladins. This information was only available during the alpha and early stages of closed beta and is no longer considered canon.[1] Most of this old lore can be found using the Wayback Machine and visiting older versions of the official Paladins website.
Available Old Lore[ | ]
These bios can be found using the Wayback Machine on the official Paladins website.
Barik's Lore[ | ]
Like most of his kin, Barik is loud, obnoxious, and lacks subtlety. All traits that serve him well in his profession as a Ruins Raider. No shrine, temple, or crypt is safe if Barik is around. Using devices of his own invention, and with an eye to turn a profit, Barik plunders all, and has made a name for himself in Crosswind Hold.
Cassie's Lore[ | ]
Raised in Cobalt Keep and daughter to the legendary huntmaster Arturos, Cassie snuck away from home to find adventure and freedom. Armed with her Father's bow and joined by her childhood companion Zigs, Cassie enters the lands of Crosswind Hold ready for any challenge.
Fernando's Lore[ | ]
It takes a special kind of man to appoint his own Knighthood, and Fernando is that man. Hailing from the golden cliffs of Sun Spire, Fernando travels to Crosswind Hold to spread word of his fame and glory. If there's a damsel in distress, Fernando is there.
Grohk's Lore[ | ]
Grohk was always a bit... off. He never fit in with the other orcs. In fact, the Fire Tribe cheered when Grohk left. They laughed when he returned, proclaiming himself prophet to Vex, the Lightning God. The tribe stopped laughing when Grohk electrocuted them all. Now, Shaman to the new Lightning Orcs of the Red River, Grohk ventures into Crosswind Hold to interpret the will of Vex.
Pip's Lore[ | ]
The secret to making liquid fire has long been guarded by the Alchemists of the Iron Shrine, lest it fall into hands that would turn it to war and profit. Pip is those hands. Those tiny, tiny hands. Having stolen his gear from the Alchemists, Pip races to make a name for himself in Crosswind Hold, before the Iron Shrine catches up to him.
Ruckus' Lore[ | ]
Upon his death, the majestic Elven King Boltanas bound his soul into the blade T'lonmar, so that he might forever defend his kingdom from the Goblin Hordes of Ozmendar. Ruckus found his blade, melted it down, and built his war machine from it. Many think being bound to a goblin would be insufferable, and "Bolt" would agree... and he makes sure Ruckus never forgets it.
Skye's Lore[ | ]
Most assassins prefer to remain anonymous, but Skye thrives on the fame, and lives in the center of attention. Trained by fabled monks of Silver Moon, and outcast for violating each of her sacred vows in meticulous order, Skye enters the fight to much speculation. Whoever her next target, wives should be mindful of their husbands, for it's said a single glance from Skye can destroy a man's heart.
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These bios are not available on any version of the official Paladins website via the Wayback Machine. As such, they currently lack sources and may not be entirely accurate, or could possibly be completely fabricated.[2]
Androxus' Lore[ | ]
Never whisper the name Androxus, the champion who once sat atop the Skull Throne of Umbria and the mortal who dared to Slay the god Nyx, lest the divines curse you as they have him. Stories are told across Crosswind of how a mortal might slay a god, but only Androxus knows what punishment such an act might bring.
Evie's Lore[ | ]
Prodigy to the archmage of Stonebriar, Evie defied her master by using Soul Magic to bind the Ice Wraith Xerses forever to her. Gaining great power and becoming immortal, she was outcast for her unholy act. Wandering the north for time untold, no one knows why she has come to Crosswind Hold, and no one dares ask.
Trivia[ | ]
- Buck oddly never received any alpha lore, with it also taking a notably long time for him to receive a title as well.[3][4]