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Paladins Wiki

Bulldozer is an Offense Item. It provides a 30% damage bonus per rank against Deployables, Pets, and Illusions to Weapon Shots.

Tiers[ | ]

Icon Cost Effect
Card Bulldozer 150 Currency Credits Your weapon shots deal +30% Damage to Deployables, Pets, and Illusions.
Card Bulldozer 300 Currency Credits Your weapon shots deal +60% Damage to Deployables, Pets, and Illusions.
Card Bulldozer 450 Currency Credits Your weapon shots deal +90% Damage to Deployables, Pets, and Illusions.

Changelog[ | ]

  • Current: Your weapon shots deal +{25|50|75}% Damage to Deployables, Pets, and Illusions.
    • Increased scaling {25|50|75}% ➞ {30|60|90}%
  • Current: Your weapon shots deal +{20|40|60}% Damage to Deployables, Pets, and Illusions.
    • Increased scaling {20|40|60}% ➞ {25|50|75}%
  • Reduced damage increase [50/100/150]% ➞ [20/40/60]%
  • New Price
    • 150/300/450
  • Cost reduced from 300 to 200.
  • Increased Credit cost from 200 ➞ 300.
  • Reduced damage against pets and deployables from 100% ➞ 75%.
  • Damage bonus increased from 50% ➞ 100% to deployables.
  • Reduced from 100 ➞ 50% bonus damage to Deployables and Pets.
  • Increased Passive damage from 5% ➞ 10%.
  • Reduced Passive Health from 60 ➞ 50.
  • Reduced passive Health from 62 to 60.
  • [Weapon] Deal +{150/200/250/300}% damage to deployables.


Card Illuminate Sentinel  •  Card Resilience Unbound  •  Card Blast Shields Arcane Warding  •  Card Develop Guardian  •  Card Haven Armor Plating

Card Nimble Nimble  •  Card Hoard Hoard  •  Card Master Riding Master Riding  •  Card Morale Boost Morale Boost  •  Card Chronos Chronos

Card Gather Meditation  •  Card Life Rip Life Rip  •  Card Rejuvenate Rejuvenate  •  Card Veteran Veteran  •  Card Kill to Heal Bloodbath

Card Bulldozer Bulldozer  •  Card Aggression Lethality  •  Card Deft Hands Deft Hands  •  Card Trigger Scent Trigger Scent  •  Card Wrecker Wrecker

Removed Items
Card Blast Shields Blast Shields  •  Card Develop Develop  •  Card Sterilize Sterilize

Card Equestrian Equestrian  •  Card Huntsman Huntsman

Card Gather Gather

Card Aggression Aggression  •  Card Cauterize Cauterize  •  Card Aggression Provision
