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This is a list of Common terms used in Paladins. Feel free to expand upon it.

General terms[ | ]

Term Definition
Airborne A state that occurs while a unit is falling after either jumping or being knocked up. Also, some champions have Movement Abilities that allow them to stay in the air for a long time like Androxus, Drogoz, Willo, etc.
Air Control A special parameter that determines how much maneuverability a champion has while airborne.
Autoattack A term generally used in MOBAs to refer to weapon basic attacks. In most MOBAs, basic attacks are auto-aimed and auto-fired after selecting a target.
B Back, meaning return or fall back. Retreat.
Banish An effect that locks the target at their current position, while also preventing any interaction between them and allies/enemies, however they may still contest and capture objectives. Currently exclusive to Atlas.
Burn An effect that deals damage over a period of time to the target.
Care Be careful. A request that someone or lane plays cautiously, generally used when an enemy is missing or unaccounted for.
Carry To bring your own team to victory, usually by dealing large amounts of damage or ensuring the capture and delivery of objectives.
CC Crowd Control.
CD Cooldown. The period of time you have to wait before an effect or Ability can be activated again. Effects that reduce Cooldown will lessen that period of time.
CDR Cooldown reduction.
Comp Team Composition. A well-rounded composition can mean the difference between victory and loss, but communication among teammates is just as important.
Credits Currency used to purchase Items during matches.
Cripple An effect that prevents the target from using movement abilities, excluding ones that utilize Knockback.
Cross-Commerce Shared pool of purchased items across gaming platforms (PC, Switch,...).
Cross-Play Play with other players simultaneously across other gaming platforms (PC, Switch,...).
Cross-Progression Shared achievement and trophy progress across gaming platforms (PC, Switch,...).
Crowd Control Immunity/Reduction A buff that either reduces or negates various Crowd Control effects on a target. Can be gained by Abilities, Items, and Cards.
Curative A Support-specific keyword that provides a Talent increased Healing.
D Defend. Protect a place on the map, an objective, or another player.
Damage Reduction A buff that reduces the amount of damage the target takes. Can be received via Abilities, Items, and Cards.
Def Defend.
Deployables Objects and creatures that can be placed via certain Abilities and can be destroyed if dealt enough damage. Countered by Bulldozer.
Disarm An effect that prevents the target from using weapon basic attacks.
DND Do Not Disturb status, activated by using the /dnd command. An option similar to the Busy status in some other games, players are unable to send whispers to anyone with the DND status.
DoT Damage over Time. These are negative status effects like poison or burn that deal ticks of damage over a duration.
DPS Damage Per Second. Refers to the amount of damage a unit is capable of dealing in a certain amount of time.
DR Diminishing Returns / Damage Reduction
ECDR Elimination cooldown reduction.
Elimination Generally referred to as kills and assists in other games. Any player who dealt any damage to an enemy champion, within 3 seconds before they died, will get an "Elimination".
Ethereal A state in which the target can’t have their Health reduced and is not affected by other effects and collisions.
Fear An effect that forces the target to run away from the effect’s source and prevents any actions from being taken.
Feed When a player is dying repeatedly to the enemy, "feeding" them credits and giving them the upper hand. Getting "fed" means that one or more enemy players are giving you a lot of (generally easy) kills, giving you a greater advantage over them.
Focus Direct all attacks to a single target or player.
Gank To attack an enemy by surprise while they are off guard in hopes of getting a kill on them.
GG Good Game.
GL Good Luck.
GLHF Good Luck, Have Fun
Grip An effect that lifts the target into the air and restricts their movement for a certain amount of time.
Headshot A weapon shot from a hitscan weapon that hits the head area of a champion, which deals extra damage than a hit to the rest of the body.
Healing An effect that restores Health to the target’s health total. Can be received or improved via Abilities, Items, and Cards.
Healing Reduction An effect that reduces or nullifies healing a target would receive.
HG High ground. When a player is above or on a higher level than an enemy. This is an advantage that forces the enemy to look up. Commonly used in Ranked matches when there is a champion with high mobility.
Hitscan A calculation used to determine whether a projectile hit a target after being fired. Its also used to name any weapon without bullet travel time.
HP Health points. Can be used to quickly tell someone you are low on health or have no health to fight.
HPS Healing Per Second. Refers to the amount of healing a unit is capable of dealing in a certain amount of time.
i-Frames Immunity Frames - short time frames where the player is immune.
Juke Dodging enemy attacks, and getting out of their line of sight.
Killing blow Sometimes refered to as last hit in other games. A Killing blow is the last weapon shot or skill that causes a player to die.
Kit The set of skills/abilities a champion has.
KS Kill steal / Kill stolen / Kill secured.
TTK Time to kill, or the time it takes to kill an enemy.
KOTH Short term for the King of the Hill game mode.
Knockback An effect that forces the target to be pushed into a certain direction, either outward or upward.
Lifesteal An effect where you gain Health based on the amount of Damage dealt. Can be received via Abilities, Items, and Cards.
LoS Line of Sight, the area where a team can directly see a target.
Marked An effect that reveals a target and makes them susceptible to increased damage.
Meta Most efficient tactic available. Used to refer to strategies and tactics perceived by the community as the strongest or most effective ones at the current time.
MIA Missing In Action. Generally used to signal that someone in the enemy team is unaccounted for.
Miss Missing.
Multi Kill Refered to as killing spree in some other games. They occur after getting multiple eliminations in a very short amount of time.
Nerf Used when referring to something that has been made weaker or that has been downgraded.
OP Overpowered, or stronger than meant to be.
Peel Using Crowd Control and/or damage to force an enemy away from an ally.
Poison An effect that deals damage over a period of time to the target.
Polymorph An effect that transforms the target into a harmless creature that has lower health and can only move. Targets are returned to their previous form and status when the effect ends.
PTS Public Test Server
Push Pertaining to moving the payload further into the enemy base.
Re Returned to the front line.
Remedy A Support-specific keyword that provides a Talent slightly increased Healing and Damage.
Reveal An effect that makes the target visible through walls to opponents, as well as through Stealth.
Roam Roaming is the act of moving away from the main fight and walking around the map looking for opportunities to ambush vulnerable enemies.
Root An effect that prevents the target from moving and using movement abilities.
Skillshot An attack that must be aimed manually to fire them. Most skills and weapon basic attacks are skillshots.
Solo Kill Eliminations caused entirely by a single player dealing all the damage.
Shields A buff that provides additional temporary Health on top of your maximum, that once broken goes away. These also can be created as separate, physical barriers placed on the map. Improved by Guardian, countered by Wrecker.
Silence An effect that disables all abilities outside of the target’s weapons.
Slow An effect that reduces the target’s movement speed.
Squishy Refers to a champion with a relatively small health pool. Most commonly seen in Flank Champions.
SS Self Sustain / An abbreviation of Missing. Has a similar purpose to MIA.
Stealth An effect that allows you to be invisible to the enemy team, unless within proximity. This is countered by Reveal.
Streak Getting several eliminations without dying will start a streak.
Stun An effect that prevents the target from taking any actions.
Surgery A Support-specific keyword that provides a Talent increased Damage.
TDM Short term for the Team Deathmatch game mode.
TP Short term for Triumph Points
Ult Ultimate skill, the strongest skill of every champion. It must be charged by dealing damage or healing allies before it can be used.
UP Underpowered, or weaker than meant to be.
VGS Voice Guided System
WIP Work In Progress, a designation that classifies content as not yet finalized, such as the Test Maps.

Areas of the Map[ | ]

Term Definition
Mid Middle.
Left Left flank.
Right Right flank.
Base The area surrounding the player's spawn.
Spawn Room The room in which you spawn. Enemies are unable to enter or fire into these safe areas.

Skill Descriptors[ | ]

Term Definition
Direct Damage These skills and weapons will generally only damage one target, with some having damage falloff over range, where direct damage attacks will deal less damage the further the target is away from the damaging champion.
Area Damage It describes weapons and skills that affect an area in the map rather than a single target directly. Most area damage attacks will have a damage fall off that will cause them to deal less damage the further away the target is from the center of the explosion.
Weapon Damage Damage that originates from a champion's inhand weapon, characterized by its ability to apply Anti-Healing on the target and is affected by Armor Plating and other items that affect weapon shots.
Ability Damage Damage that originates from a champion's skills, characterized by its inability to apply Anti-Healing on the target and is affected by Arcane Warding.
AoE Area of Effect. Another way of calling Area damage, but it is also used to describe the radius of a skill or weapon shot's explosion.
Channeled These are skills that must be casted for a duration before they are fired and/or must keep on casting for them to remain active. They may or may not prohibit the casting champion from using other skills or moving while channeling.
Cone These are skills that affect an angular cone of an area n front of the champion. They are usually "tied" to the champion that casts them.
Delayed These are skill that have a time duration before their effects take place. The time duration may occur upon casting (i.e. the skill may take time to cast) or after casting (i.e. the skill is cast and active but will take some time before it fulfills its effect).
Line These are skills that project their effect in a straight line. They are usually "tied" to the champion that casts them.
Passive These are skills that do not need to be cast in order for their effect to happen.

Roles[ | ]

Term Definition
Front Line These are champions who are good at holding the line and protecting their teammates.
Damage These are champions who are capable of consistently dealing high amounts of damage.
Support These are high utility champions, who are helpful in both offense and defense.
Flank These are champions who excel at flanking and taking out key targets from the opponent's rear.


Bots  •  Common terms  •  Death Recap  •  Eliminations  •  Controls  •  Voice Guided System  •  Warning Indicators  •  Zoning

Abilities → Ability  •  Movement Ability  •  Ultimate Ability
Damage Types → Weapon or Ability Damage  •  Burst Damage  •  Damage over Time  •  Executes  •  Poke Damage  •  Sustained Damage
Effects → Cleanses  •  Damage Reduction  •  Deployables  •  Healing  •  Immunity  •  Shields  •  Status Effects  •  Stealth

Cards  •  Talents  •  Items Credits

Game Modes
Game Modes  •  Capture Point  •  Payload

Maps  •  Map Features  •  Callouts

Game Mechanics
Advanced Mechanics  •  Anti-Healing Mechanic  •  Comeback Mechanic  •  Damage Falloff  •  Diminishing returns  •  Headshot  •  Lifesteal  •  Out of Combat  •  Overtime  •  Respawn

End of the Game
Accolades  •  Scoreboard  •  Post-Match Lobby Landing Screen
