Elves are a race in the Realm that are near identical in appearance to humans, save for pointed ears. Despite the lack of notable physical differences, elves differ from humans in other ways, though most of these differences were never revealed, making the only known difference being their immensely increased lifespans compared to other races.[1][2] They don't appear to possess any notable unique behaviors, largely seeming to be regular members of society, as several can be seen throughout the various lore cinematic and cards.
Additionally, there are other variants of elves, the only one ever revealed being Dark Elves, which possess blue skin as opposed to the more expected colors of regular humans and elves. It's unknown if Dark Elves share the same differences, such as enhanced longevity, as regular elves. However, Dark Elves do differ from elves in regards to behavior, with most Dark Elves generally not living on the surface and largely being a mystery to others in the Realm.[3]
Known Elves[ | ]
Known Dark Elves[ | ]
Card Art Elves[ | ]
Atlas Cards
- Survivor Elf (from Old Wounds)
Evie Cards
- Purple Haired Elf (from Cantrip)
Lillith Cards
- Long Haired Gunman Elf (from Sharpened Slaughter)
Maeve Cards
- Large Elf (from Cut and Run)
- Cloaked Elf (from On Edge)
- Wild Elf (from Savagery)
- Scarred Elf (from Scar Tissue)
Mal'Damba Cards
- Old Elf (from Pungent Gourd)
Saati Cards
- Defeated Elf (from Costly Physics)
- Assassin Elf (from Step Off)
Skye Cards
- Smoke Elf (from Healing Vapors)
- Female Elf (from Slip Away)
Strix Cards
- Large Elf (from Overburn)
Torvald Cards
- Bearded Elf (from Arcane Etching)
- Wristband Elf (from Conduction)
- Hooded Elf (from Eldritch Speed)
- Green Cloak Elf (from Glyph of Freedom)
- Lightning Elf (from Glyph of Siphoning)
- Researcher Elf (from Induction)
- Pink Smoke Elf (from Lifegiver)
- Researcher Elf (from Rune Torrent)
- Scroll Elf (from Scribe's Wit)
- Braided Hair Elf (from Timeshaper)
Vivian Cards
- Elf (from Informants)
Vora Cards
- Other Elven Warriors (from A Broken Path)
Other[ | ]
- Assistant Elf (from A Realm Divided lore video)
- Crystal Studying Elf (from A Realm Divided lore video)
- Crossed Elf (from A Realm Divided lore video)
- Bald Elf (from A Realm Divided lore video)
- Resistance Elf (from A Realm Divided lore video)
- Cheering Elf (from A Conflict Reignited lore video)
Trivia[ | ]
- The Primal Prowler was mentioned to have once been ridden by 'Ancestral Elves' in the times before the original Paladins. It is unknown if this is canon to the lore, or only canon relative to the mount itself.