Faeries are a plant-like race in the Realm that appear to largely reside deep within the Enchanted Forest. They seem to most commonly be pink, though purple, blue, cyan, green, yellow, orange, and brown faeries have also been seen. They largely appear to adorn themselves in flowing and loose clothes made of leaves and plants, though some have been seen wearing outfits resembling armor.
They appear to be very close with nature and seemingly aren't fond of humans, often enjoying the sight of their discomfort, though some do appear more fond of children. Those of the Summer Court in particular are short-lived and even-tempered, yet despite this, they hold an immense hatred of modern civilization, as well as any that attempt to take their fauna, waging an endless war against the former's encroachment, while all those who have attempted to take their fauna are never seen again. Their numbers are dwindling due to unknown reasons. Most of this information comes from Willo's bio, her various cards, and the Trials of the Realm description of the Summer Court.
Faeries generally have incredibly short life spans, to the point that although Willo is only around three years old, she's an adult aged faerie.[1]
Known Faeries[ | ]
In-Game Faeries[ | ]
Card Art Faeries[ | ]
Willo Cards
Cyan Faerie (from Photosynthesis)
Yellow Faerie (from Flitter)
Grown Faerie (from Flora)
Grown Yellow Faerie (from Germination)
Wild Faerie (from Hijinks)
Orange Winged Faerie (from Hummingbird)
Large Pink Faerie (from Just Believe!)
Cyan Faerie (from Nectar)
Blue Faerie (from Shenanigans)
Grown Faerie (from Spritely)
Armored Faerie (from Sprouts)
Possibly Young Faerie (from Twilight)