Paladins Wiki

Grand Magister is a title given to individuals who have led the Magistrate, which was exclusively held by Karne for nearly a century.

Despite seemingly being the top position within the Magistrate, it's unknown exactly how much influence the Grand Magister has over the Magistrate and the Realm itself, as well as the responsibilities and duties of the position.

Known Grand Magisters[ | ]

Karne Icon Karne (former)

Champion Lian Icon Lian


Major Factions
Magistrate  •  Resistance  •  Abyss  •  Darkness

Anti-Abyss  •  Anti-Darkness  •  Nature Protectors  •  Neutral

Bomb Kingdom  •  Deepwerks  •  Eternal Pyre  •  Followers of Io  •  House Aico  •  House Arturos  •  Outer Tribunal  •  Paladins (Former)  •  Red River Orcs  •  Sentinels  •  Shadow Tribunal  •  Summer Court  •  Tau-Kor Monastery  •  Thousand Hands Guild  •  Warders  •  Unknown Groups

Noteworthy Items / Forces
Crystals  •  Magic  •  Souls  •  Warder's Key  •  Warder's Relic

Notable Positions
Abyssal Lord  •  Border Lord  •  Grand Magister  •  Pyre Lord

The Realm
Abyss  •  Aico Tundra  •  Crosswind Hold  •  The Eight Oceans  •  Enchanted Forest  •  Greenwood  •  Lunar Coast  •  Seris (Village)  •  Temple Isles  •  Trade Row  •  Warder's Watch

Abyssal Creature  •  Animal  •  Construct  •  Darkness  •  Dragon  •  Deities  •  Dwarf  •  Elemental  •  Elf  •  Faerie  •  Goblin  •  Human  •  Leipori  •  Orc  •  Pyre Creature  •  Ska'drin  •  Spirit  •  Stagalla  •  Tigron  •  Transformed  •  Undead  •  Vulpin  •  Wyrin

Complete Timeline
Complete Timeline  •  Paladins Chronicles

Story Arcs
Crystal Arc  •  Darkness Arc  •  Ska'drin Arc

Time Periods
The Ancient Age  •  The Age of the Paladins  •  The Golden Age  •  The Age of Resistance  •  The Lost Future

Notable Events
Dragon Scourge  •  Goblin Scourges  •  Golden Age  •  Crystal War  •  Koga's Revenge  •  Destruction of Seris  •  Battle of Ascension Peak  •  Warders Return  •  The Fight of the Shattered Desert  •  Shattered Goddess' Return  •  The Summoning of Raum  •  The Darkness Released  •  Shift of Power

NPCs  •  Updated Bios  •  Alternate Realities  •  Canon Skins  •  Statues  •  Legends  •  Misconceptions  •  Retcons  •  Character Feats  •  Alpha Lore
