Paladins Wiki

These are characters who have been seen or mentioned in some form of Paladins media, but are Non-Playable Characters (NPC). This only includes notable individuals with connections to the story or another champion, and not generic background characters.

Non Playable Characters[ | ]

  • Karne Icon Karne - The original Grand Magister and head of the Magistrate. Karne was also a member of the original incarnation of the Paladins.
  • Valera Icon Valera - A near-immortal elf warrior, Valera was the leader of the original incarnation of the Paladins, and now leads the Resistance in their battle against the Magistrate.
  • Crystalwizard Crystal Wizard - A sinister-looking wizard from A Realm Divided who seemingly caused a massive explosion with the use of crystals. He is the only currently known individual to have initially misused crystals and caused the Magistrate's decision to ban crystals from the general public.
  • Card Distant Memory Atlas' Mother - At some point in the future, Lex would settle down and marry an unknown woman with whom he would have Atlas. Little is known about this woman, though she is not Kinessa or Octavia.[1][2]
  • Card Life Unlived Atlas' Daughter - While Atlas' daughter can only be seen in the alternate universe[3] shown in the card Life Unlived, it was mentioned here that Atlas also had a daughter in the dark future as well, who he was forced to leave behind as he returned to the past. However, a different developer later said that Atlas never had a daughter, making it uncertain which scenario is correct.[4]
  • Azaan Wall Character Queen of the Pyre - A unique character appears on Azaan's sanctuary walls, with it being implied they're the Queen of the Pyre that once owned Dawnforge.[5][6] It's unknown what happened to them in the modern day. They're not Seris or Wekono.[7][8] It's thought this was Nyx prior to betraying the Pyre, though this is unconfirmed speculation.
  • Card Sharpened Slaughter Elven Gunman - A long haired elf wielding a revolver is shown in Lillith's card Sharpened Slaughter, alongside Caspian and Lillith herself. Suspected to be another hired gun, similarly to Caspian,[9] he's expected to be an upcoming champion, though due to the amount of time that's passed since Lillith released and this character not being released, he's currently considered an NPC.

Unseen Characters[ | ]

Unseen Champion Relatives[ | ]

  • Atlas' Wife - As mentioned here, Atlas had a daughter in the dark future, which by extension implies he also had a wife who he was forced to leave behind. However, this has since become less clear due to another developer claiming that Atlas didn't actually have a daughter, drawing the existence of his wife into question as well.[4]
  • Barik's Wife - Mentioned in a line by Barik (▶️). Nothing is known about his wife, including if she's even a dwarf as well. Barik doesn't seem fond of her cooking.
  • Cassie's Father / Arturos - Mentioned in Cassie's bio and in some of her voice lines. Cassie mentions her father is a legendary huntsman (▶️), while the crossbow she uses originally belonged to him as well. He was known as "Arturos" in the alpha lore, though this is no longer viewed as canon. The name did appear again in one of Vora's teasers, and later an entire royal house sharing his name was revealed. It's been mentioned Cassie still has connections to a Greenwood hero named Arturos,[10] pointing to the idea Arturos may still be Cassie's father or at least some type of ancestor in the current lore, though this all currently remains unconfirmed.
  • Corvus' Mother - Due to Corvus having a mentioned father (Karne), many have speculated his mother's identity. Some theorize it is Valera, however there is no evidence as of yet.
  • Lian's Father - Mentioned here, Lian took over after her father. Little else is known about him.
  • Talus' Family - Mentioned in Talus' bio to have almost been killed, they have not been seen and it is unknown what happened to them.

Unseen Characters with Connections to Champions[ | ]

  • Aico Descendants - Lian's card 'Bloodline' seemingly shows various descendants of Aico, which includes some of the clearer to make out names such as Aro, Lia, and Xian, other less clear names such as Nika and Chris, as well as six other names which are difficult to fully make out, though one of them seems to be Lian.
  • Bandit King - Mentioned to have captured Ying in her bio. It is believed to be Zhin, due to his kill taunt towards her (▶️), as well as Ying's seemingly close connection to Sha Lin, who is mentioned to have betrayed the Thousand Hands Guild, however, none of this has been officially confirmed.
  • Drogoz's Master - Mentioned in Drogoz's bio, he initially served under a dragon master. Little is known about this dragon.
  • Evie's Elemental - Mentioned in Evie's bio, the elemental contained by Evie has not yet been seen outside the gemstone that holds it. It's implied to be incredibly old by Yagorath (▶️), who doesn't consider Makoa to be ancient (▶️).
  • Fernando's Master - Mentioned in Fernando's bio, it is unknown what happened to the knight Fernando served, but his life was taken, causing Fernando to take up his identity.
  • First Warder - Mentioned in Imani's bio as a wise mage that learned the secrets of dragons, creating the Warders, this mage has not been seen or mentioned outside of this singular mention.
  • Future Vora - As mentioned here, the individual that became who we call "Vora" was a different person altogether from the Vora of the present. They're responsible for tearing off Atlas' arm, and ended up fully transforming into a Darkness monster.[13]
  • Maeve's Crew - Mentioned in the line "Just wait 'til zhe crew hears about this!" (▶️) when Maeve wins a match. Possibly called "The Blades" due to Maeve's title being "of Blades", however, this is unconfirmed.
  • Mysterious Oracle - Mentioned in Cassie's bio, this oracle offered Cassie advice that would allow her to finally leave Greenwood and join the Crystal War. This oracle is believed to be Seris, as she is the only currently known oracle, though this has not yet been officially confirmed.
  • The Mother - Mentioned in several of Inara's lines, it's suspected Inara is referring to nature itself as 'Mother Nature', though if this is an actual entity of some sort remains to be seen.
  • Octavia Medical Authority - In one of Octavia's teasers showing her application to join the Magistrate, several signatures are present; the first and third clearly belonging to Octavia and Karne respectively, however there is an additional signature present, this being of the individual that determined whether Octavia was fit for active duty or not. Though this signature is present, most struggle to decipher the handwriting. The name appears to be something along the lines of "Dr. Ivo", though it's difficult to say how accurate this is. Some in the community have referred to him as "Legpro", due to believing he was responsible for creating Octavia's advanced prosthetic leg (prior to it being revealed as having been Torvald.[14]) Some additionally suspect he may be the doctor that appears in Octavia's card Determined Defense, though this has never been confirmed.
  • Tiberius Teaser Narrator - While most Twitter teasers come with quotes from the champion themselves, obviously related character (such as Seris narrating Corvus' teasers), or a disconnected narrator, Tiberius' teasers (which can be found on his page) seem to be narrated by another Tigron, rather than Tiberius himself or a disconnected narrator, with Tiberius' third teaser stating "the chakrams of our people" implying the individual is another tigron.
  • Warlock - Mentioned in Bomb King's bio and later expanded on here, the Warlock was commissioned by Betty La Bomba in order to make Bomb King a reality, as while Betty designed him, she was unable to actually create him. However, something, went wrong and led to Bomb King developing a mind of his own.[15] It's unknown what occurred to the Warlock following Bomb King's creation.
  • Winged Darkness Creature - Mentioned by Yagorath (▶️). It is apparently suspectible to flashing lights.

Unseen Godlike Creatures[ | ]

  • False Goddess - The Abyssal Entity that cursed Androxus, has not yet been seen. Some theorize this was either Seris or Nyx, however, neither has been confirmed as of yet.
  • Forgotten Abyssal Lord - Long ago when Nyx betrayed the Pyre and first arrived in the Abyss, she entered through a portal that put her within the fortress of this unnamed Lord. Among various others, Nyx slaughtered this Lord, cementing herself as an Abyssal Lord, but leaving this original Lord's name to be lost to time.
  • Frog Deity - One of the Ska'drin deities represented through one of the playable characters (one about growth, pride, and renewal) and likely connected to Frog Isle.[16]
  • Jaguar Deity - One of the Ska'drin deities, it's known to be paitent, often hides in plain sight, sees the truth as it is, is represented through one of the playable characters, and is likely connected to Jaguar Falls.[17][18]
  • Fifth Ska'drin Deity - A unknown Ska'drin deity stated to exist. It's thought they may be a Bird Deity based on the various statues around Primal Court, the only remaining map of the Temple Isles with no explicit deity connection.[19]
  • Island Deities - Mentioned to exist, nothing is currently known about these entities for certain, though they're suspected to be the various Ska'drin deities and are thought to be connected to the various Temple Isle maps.
  • Sylvanus - Mentioned in some of Grover's lines, in SMITE, Sylvanus is a Roman God and Keeper of the Wild. It is unknown if this is the same Sylvanus as the one Grover mentions, as well as their whereabouts.
  • Wekono - The Mother of Sorrow and Revenge and one of the Ska'drin deities,[20] Wekono is the one who made Mal'Damba her champion. Despite this, Wekono has not yet made any sort of physical appearance thus far. Yagorath heavily implies (▶️) Mal'Damba's snake is a transformed Wekono, as does this dev statement, though it is also implied by Yagorath that this isn't her normal form.

Other Unseen Characters[ | ]

  • Members of the Former Paladins - It's been confirmed here, that the former incarnation of the Paladins consisted of more than just Karne and Valera.
  • Unknown Monstrous Creature - Mentioned in Corvus' journal pages, Corvus encountered an unknown force early in his career. It is suspected to be Abyssal, but nothing is confirmed.

Former Non Playable Characters[ | ]

  • Betty La Bomba - Originally a nameless and faceless warlord responsible for the creation of Bomb King, she was eventually expanded into a full playable character with the Monstercat update.
  • Knaifu Corvus - Originally introduced as a generic representative of the Magistrate in the Rise of Furia lore cinematic,[21] due to popularity, Corvus would make a number of additional appearances before finally being added as a playable character in the Darkness and Dragons update. Prior to his introduction as a champion, Corvus had several fan names, most notably including "Knaifu the Waifu Stealer" or "Knaifu" for short, among fans, due to his first appearance portraying him with a knife, as well as "stealing" Abby, while he was most commonly referred to as "Coat Guy" among the developers.


Major Factions
Magistrate  •  Resistance  •  Abyss  •  Darkness

Anti-Abyss  •  Anti-Darkness  •  Nature Protectors  •  Neutral

Bomb Kingdom  •  Deepwerks  •  Eternal Pyre  •  Followers of Io  •  House Aico  •  House Arturos  •  Outer Tribunal  •  Paladins (Former)  •  Red River Orcs  •  Sentinels  •  Shadow Tribunal  •  Summer Court  •  Tau-Kor Monastery  •  Thousand Hands Guild  •  Warders  •  Unknown Groups

Noteworthy Items / Forces
Crystals  •  Magic  •  Souls  •  Warder's Key  •  Warder's Relic

Notable Positions
Abyssal Lord  •  Border Lord  •  Grand Magister  •  Pyre Lord

The Realm
Abyss  •  Aico Tundra  •  Crosswind Hold  •  The Eight Oceans  •  Enchanted Forest  •  Greenwood  •  Lunar Coast  •  Seris (Village)  •  Temple Isles  •  Trade Row  •  Warder's Watch

Abyssal Creature  •  Animal  •  Construct  •  Darkness  •  Dragon  •  Deities  •  Dwarf  •  Elemental  •  Elf  •  Faerie  •  Goblin  •  Human  •  Leipori  •  Orc  •  Pyre Creature  •  Ska'drin  •  Spirit  •  Stagalla  •  Tigron  •  Transformed  •  Undead  •  Vulpin  •  Wyrin

Complete Timeline
Complete Timeline  •  Paladins Chronicles

Story Arcs
Crystal Arc  •  Darkness Arc  •  Ska'drin Arc

Time Periods
The Ancient Age  •  The Age of the Paladins  •  The Golden Age  •  The Age of Resistance  •  The Lost Future

Notable Events
Dragon Scourge  •  Goblin Scourges  •  Golden Age  •  Crystal War  •  Koga's Revenge  •  Destruction of Seris  •  Battle of Ascension Peak  •  Warders Return  •  The Fight of the Shattered Desert  •  Shattered Goddess' Return  •  The Summoning of Raum  •  The Darkness Released  •  Shift of Power

NPCs  •  Updated Bios  •  Alternate Realities  •  Canon Skins  •  Statues  •  Legends  •  Misconceptions  •  Retcons  •  Character Feats  •  Alpha Lore
