Paladins Wiki

Overtime is a Gameplay Mechanic that provides an extension to the normal time given in a match. Overtime is typically triggered when:

  • A payload is being contested when the "Payload Push" Phase's timer runs out.
  • A Capture Point has been touched by a member of the opposing team within the last 3 seconds prior to it reaching the 99% threshold.

If an attacker is on the objective, the Overtime bar is reset to full, and does not deplete until all attackers move off of the objective. The overtime ends when either the payload reaches its destination, or after 6 seconds of no attackers standing on an objective. The overtime counter will shorten the longer overtime lasts up to 1 second.


Bots  •  Common terms  •  Death Recap  •  Eliminations  •  Controls  •  Voice Guided System  •  Warning Indicators  •  Zoning

Abilities → Ability  •  Movement Ability  •  Weapon Shots  •  Ultimate Ability
Damage Types → Area or Direct Damage  •  Burst Damage  •  Damage over Time  •  Executes  •  Poke Damage  •  Sustained Damage  •  True Damage
Effects → Cleanses  •  Damage Reduction  •  Deployables  •  Healing  •  Immunity  •  Shields  •  Status Effects  •  Stealth

Cards  •  Talents  •  Items Credits

Game Modes
Game Modes  •  Capture Point  •  Payload

Maps  •  Map Features  •  Callouts

Game Mechanics
Advanced Mechanics  •  Anti-Healing Mechanic  •  Comeback Mechanic  •  Damage Falloff  •  Diminishing returns  •  Headshot  •  Lifesteal  •  Out of Combat  •  Overtime  •  Respawn

End of the Game
Accolades  •  Scoreboard  •  Post-Match Lobby Landing Screen
