Chaos Rising Event Pass
The powers that be are in flux as Azaan’s awaits his fast-approaching deadline from the Dawn Forge—discover what wild thrills await you from the chaotic bounty of our new Event Pass –Chaos Rising! Instantly unlock the Eternal Emissary Tyra Skin for purchasing, and unlock a total of 24 levels of rewards as you play!
Players can also purchase a Buy All option to get all content in the Chaos Rising Event Pass instantly!
Event Pass Content
Instant Unlock
- 50% Experience & Gold Boost
- Eternal Emissary Tyra
Level 7 Unlock
- The Harlequin Raum
Level 16 Unlock
- Deathless Emissary Tyra
Level 24 Unlock
- Eternal Devilry Raum
Other Event Pass Exclusive Unlocks
- Eternal Kawaii – Animated Spray
- I'm With Crazy – 3D Spray
- Eternal Prisoner – Static Avatar
- From The Ashes – Animated Avatar
Loading Frame
- Ivory Visage – Loading Frame
Trials of the Realm
- 300 Crystals
- 120,000 Gold
- 6x Event Pass Levels
- Event Pass Team Boosters
- Skin Boosters
- My Eyes Are Up Here – Static Spray
- Dragon's Doom – Animated Spray
- Drama Lord – Animated 3D Spray
- Class Puppet – Static Avatar
- Mine Forever – Static Avatar
- Teasing Tresses – Animated Avatar
Limited Time Modes
The Paladins: Dawnforge patch will feature 2 unique and 5 previously popular modes that rotate throughout the patch cycle. Each week there will be a different limited time mode available, from midnight Friday until 8am on Monday, EST. Here’s are some quick previews of what to expect next:
LTM Dawnforge Only
- Check out an LTM featuring Dawnforge as the only playable map!
LTM Sniper’s Haven
- Duel it out with Kinessa or Strix on a special map to test your sniping skills!
New Siege Map - Dawnforge
Welcome, to the Dawnforge. The Abyss has had Abyss TDM for a while now, and we figured it was time for the Pyre to get some map representation. We pushed a lot of boundaries with this one, lots of motion, gameplay-relevant interactable elements, and some interesting new approaches to materials.
Lore-wise this is a mobile fortress, it once belonged to the Queen of the Pyre but is now under the command of Azaan. After witnessing The Realm’s ability to defend itself against the Maw, Azaan has found their combat prowess wanting. The Realm could never repel a full-scale abyssal invasion, its corruption is all but inevitable. Consequently, he has summoned the Dawnforge and made preparations to destroy the Realm, the Abyss cannot corrupt what no longer exists.
The Dawnforge serves as both a base of operations and a munitions factory, harnessing the wrathful power of the Sun to forge a construct army under Azaan’s command. The Dawnforge stands poised to tear through the barrier between the Pyre and the Realm, unless…
Draconian Huntress Ash
- Available in the Bounty Store
Lovestruck Kasumi
- Available in the Arcane Powers Chest & Direct Purchase for 800 Crystals
Skull And Bones Caspian
- Dragon’s Call Chest & Direct Purchase for 300 Crystals
General Updates
Block Button
- Paladins has an existing /block command, but it’s not something that’s easy to find as a new player. So we’ve added a Block button to the End-of-Match Lobby, the Friends List, and a new Block screen where you can block anyone by typing in their name.
Event Pass – Gold Buy-through
- The community has asked for new additional ways to spend their accumulated gold, and we’re listening! We’ve added the ability to purchase Event Pass levels with gold. The crystal price (70c) will remain unchanged, but players can now instead elect to spend 70,000 Gold instead if they prefer. Enjoy!
Team Deathmatch Choose Any
- The “Choose Any” LTM has been incredibly popular since its initial release, and some players have requested to include it as a permanent mode. So now, it is! The Team Deathmatch queue will allow duplicate champion selection moving forward. What wacky combinations will you try first?
Item Store
Kill to Heal
- Now ignores Anti-Healing
- Reduced amount of rank 1 healing from 300 to 250.
- Bonus Healing increased from {8|16|24}% ➞ {10|20|30}%.
- Increased duration from 2.5s ➞ 3.5s
- Now also increases Jump Height by {60|120|180}%
Betty La Bomba
- Abilities
Grenade Launcher
- Increased direct hit damage from 650 ➞ 700
- Cards
- Shadow Tribunal
- Increased Healing from {2.5|2.5}% ➞ {5|5}%
- Shadow Tribunal
- Talents
- Now also reduces the cooldown of Fireball from 7s ➞ 6s
- Damage bonus increased from 30% ➞ 35%
- Talents
- Now also increases Mana generated by Pyre Ball
- Abilities
Frost Bolt
- Increased Damage from 410 ➞ 420
- Talents
Mother's Grace
- Now also increases Bonus Healing by 20% while Earthen Guard is active
- Abilities
Earthen Guard
- Reduced Bonus Healing from 40% ➞ 30%
- Abilities
Yokai Doll
- Decrease targeting cone angle from 6 ➞ 2 degrees
- Decreased Curse stack damage bonus from 25 ➞ 20%
Body and Soul
- Increased Damage Reduction % from 55 ➞ 75
- Cards
- Restore
- Removed Cooldown
- Refactored Healing from flat 25% to {6|6}%
- Restore
- Abilities
- Increased duration from 4.25s ➞ 6.5s
- Increase Cooldown from 2s ➞ 3s
- Talents
Spirit's Chosen
- Increased Healing from 250 ➞ 350
- Talents
- Increased bonus damage from 30% ➞ 35%
- Abilities
Chain Heal
- Increased travel speed from 180 ➞ 270
- Cards
- Threat and Subject
- Increased duration from 2s ➞ 5s
- Arcane Maelstrom
- Refactored Cooldown reduction effect from {0.1|0.1}s ➞ {4|4}%
- Threat and Subject
- Cards
- Spirit Leech
- Increased Ammo generated from {1|1} ➞ {2|2}
- Spirit Leech
- Abilities
Power Siphon
- Removed Aim Assist while using this Ability (with Controller)
- Abilities
- Reduced Pre-Fire from 0.8s ➞ 0.4s
- Abilities
- Decreased Cooldown from 4s ➞ 3s
Bug Fixes
- Talents
Unfinished Business
- Now properly ignores Anti-Healing
- Abilities
Spirit Lure
- Now properly sets Feared opponents to 3rd person for the duration
- Cards
- Essence Drain
- Fixed text to properly match the effect. Your Savage Tear deals an additional [{0.2|0.2}% damage ➞ {0.2|0.2}% base damage] per stack of Curse on your target
- Essence Drain
Under Investigation
- Ignoring Anti-Healing
- Effects that ignore Anti-Healing will still display the amount healed as if it has been reduced by Anti-Healing (olive color tint instead of green).
PTS Changes
Kill to Heal
- Now ignores Anti-Healing
- Healing amount reduced to {250|500|750}
- Bonus Healing increased from {8|16|24}% ➞ {10|20|30}%
- Increased duration from 2.5s ➞ 3.5s
- Now also increases Jump Height by {60|120|180}%
Betty La Bomba
- Abilities
Grenade Launcher
- Increased direct hit damage from 650 ➞ 700
- Abilities
Yokai Doll
- Decrease targeting cone angle from 6 ➞ 2 degrees
- Decreased Curse stack damage bonus from 25 ➞ 20%
- Now deals double damage to Deployable and deployed Shields
- Enemies with Curse stacks are now granted a Reveal on Kasumi as long as they have a Curse stack
Body and Soul
- Increased Damage Reduction % from 55 ➞ 75
Spirit Lure
- Kasumi now faces whoever triggered it when arriving after teleporting
- Abilities
- Increased duration from 4.25s ➞ 6.5s
- Increase Cooldown from 2s ➞ 3s
Death Wings
- Can now cast while channeling Swarm
Bug Fixes
- Reverted an animation change on Androxus’ Revolver weapon.
Betty La Bomba
- Fixed an issue where reactivating Betty’s Ultimate, Long Live the Queen, when in close proximity to an enemy could cause it to deal 0 damage.
- Fixed an issue where Caspian’s Deadly Momentum would have separate lock-out times depending on whether the ability was manually reactivated or not.
- Fixed an issue where Kasumi’s Spirit Lure ability was not putting Feared enemies into 3rd person.
- Fixed an issue where Kasumi’s Yokai Doll weapon could target some map objects.
- Fixed an issue where Kasumi’s Yokai Doll weapon was applying the Anti-Healing effect to all enemies within her attack cone.
- Fixed an issue where Kasumi’s Unfinished Business talent was still affected by Anti-Healing.
- Fixed an issue where Kasumi would not gain the effects of Illuminate while her Body and Soul ability was active.
- Fixed an issue where Kasumi’s Essence Drain card text was not properly expressing the intended effect of the card: “Your Savage Tear deals an additional [{0.2|0.2}% damage ➞ {0.2|0.2}% base damage] per stack of Curse on your target.”
- Addressed issues where some of Kasumi’s abilities would desync between client and server when switching targets quickly.
- Fixed an issue where Rei’s Deft Magics card was reducing Cooldown timers of Rei’s other abilities even if they were not on Cooldown.
- Fixed an issue where Terminus would be unaffected by deployed effects until he left and reentered them after using his Ultimate, Reanimate.
- Fixed an issue where placing a Spray on a ceiling would cause the Spray to appear inverted.