Paladins Wiki


Champion Nyx Icon Nyx, Queen of the Abyss

Nyx Default Promo


In the far past, Nyx was once a Pyre Lord, working alongside Azaan and others in the seemingly eternal fight against the chaotic Abyss. Over time, she found herself disillusioned with the ways of the Pyre and their rigid controlling dogmas – so content to throw away countless lives in their endless wars. She would show the Pyre the power of freedom, true freedom.

Approached by the one who would eventually be known as Seris, they devised a plan for Nyx to begin her great betrayal. Nyx left the Pyre behind and traveled through one of Seris’ portals into a Lord’s fortress. Once there Nyx slew and subdued all who stood in her way in a violent bloodbath. Even the residing Lord was no match for her fury, their name lost to time – cementing Nyx as an Abyssal Lord. Her time in the Abyss has changed her physically, but she remains determined to bring a new age of chaos and freedom to the Realm. With her growing army behind her, she offers power to those who will accept it: a united front through strength and the chaos of free will – a force strong enough to overwhelm the Pyre wholly.


  • Role – Class Front Line Icon Front Line
  • Health – 4850


Ability Placeholder LMB

Realm Breaker

Damage (each/per tick)3× 175 /1s — 2× 400 /1s  

Punch and send out energy in a five hit attack chain, dealing 175 damage quickly for the first three hits and 400 damage slowly for the last two. This chain resets to the first attack on a miss, or after not firing for 1.25s. Deal an extra 75 damage ifyour target is within 20 units of you. Has no Ammo or Reload.

Passive Queen of Change Gain up to 20% Bonus Healing the closer you are to an Objective Point. Cain a static 10% Bonus Healing on Maps without an Objective.

Ability Placeholder RMB
Cooldown Icon White 9

Rift Slash

Damage (each/per tick)400 / 525 / 650 — Abyssal Rift: 50 /0.5s
Explosion: 400  

Fire a 200 damage projectile that explodes on contact with enemies or after traveling 25 units. On detonation, tear open an Abyssal Rift which pulses every 0.5s for 50 damage and Slows enemies hit by 35% for 1s within 30 units. After 2 seconds, the Abyssal Rift explodes, dealing 200 damage to enemies close to the center. Nyx can hold down the activation button to channel the ability, causing the projectile to travel up to 100 units and deal up to 350 damage the longer it is channeled.

Ability Placeholder Q
Cooldown Icon White 12

Abyssal Fortress


Call forth an Abyssal Shield with up to 4500 Health at the target location, placing it up to 90 units away. The Shield is stronger the closer it is placed to you, losing 1500 Health for every 30 units its placed away from you.

Ability Placeholder F
Cooldown Icon White 11

Royal Presence


Summon a Poisoning aura centered on you that Poisons enemies within 60 units for 5% of their max health over 6s. The aura lasts 8s, and while active any damage received is instead dealt to you equally over the next 4s – with additional damage refreshing the duration to 4s. Reactivating the ability ends it early, and fires off Abyssal Chains that deal 100 damage and pull enemies up to 50 units away towards Nyx.

Ability Placeholder E

Chaos Nexus

Damage (each/per tick)100
Explosion: 600  

Channel and tear open Abyssal Rifts that deal 100 damage and pull enemies within 50 units towards Nyx every 0.5s. After 1s, explode in Abyssal energy, dealing 600 damage to enemies within 50 units and stunning them for 2s. While channeling, gain 50% Damage Resistance, CC Immunity, and remove any damage-over-time from Royal Presence.


Talent Nyx Show of Force
Show of Force

Default Talent

Rift Slash now knockbacks enemies hit by the projectile, and the resulting Abyssal Rift lasts 1s longer.

Talent Nyx Abyssal Breach
Abyssal Breach

Unlocks at Mastery Level 2

Enemies that pass through Abyssal Fortress are Revealed and take 10% additional Weapon damage from Nyx and her allies for 3s. Reduce the Cooldown of Abyssal Fortress by 2.

Talent Nyx Subjugation

Unlocks at Mastery Level 8

Royal Presence’s reactivation now only hits the first enemy in its path, but its Range is increased by 50% and it now Roots the enemy for 3s instead of pulling them.



Card Devastating Blows Devastating Blows
Increase the trigger distance of Realm Breaker's bonus damage by {5|5} units.
Card Forever Changed Forever Changed
Increase your maximum Health by {150|150}.
Card The Little Things The Little Things
Reduce the Cooldown of your next Rift Slash by {0.2|0.2}s, up to a max reduction of 5s, when hitting enemies with Realm Breaker.
Card True Freedom True Freedom
You can miss {1|1} attacks before your chain resets. Increase the window to progress the chain by {0.05|0.05}s.

Rift Slash

Card All Will Kneel All Will Kneel
Increase the rift's pulse area of effect by {12|12}%.
Card Brutal Pursuer Brutal Pursuer
Increase your Movement Speed by {4|4}% for 5s after casting Rift Slash.
Card Unchecked Power Unchecked Power
Increase the slow strength of the riffs pulses by {5|5}%.
Card World Torn Asunder World Torn Asunder
Increase the speed Rift Slash travels at by {20|20}%.

Abyssal Fortress

Card A Swift End A Swift End
Increase your fire rate by {4|4}% for 3s when passing through Abyssal Fortress.
Card Frontline Commander Frontline Commander
Increase allies and decrease enemies' Movement Speed by {7|7}% for 4 seconds when passing through Abyssal Fortress.
Card Unbreakable Will Unbreakable Will
Reduce the Health reduction from placing Abyssal Fortress >30 units away by {20|20}%.
Card Unyielding Advance Unyielding Advance
Increase Abyssal Fortress' Health by {200|200}.

Royal Presence

Card Abyssal Authority Abyssal Authority
Increase the radius of Royal Presence's Poison aura by {20|20}%.
Card Center of Combat Center of Combat
Increase the max health damage of the Royal Presence's Poison aura by {2|2}%.
Card Face to Face Face to Face
Increase the pull strength of Royal Presence chain grab by {20|20}%.
Card The New Order The New Order
Cain a {30|30} health Shield for each enemy hit by Royal Presence's chain grab.


Divine Matriarch

Nyx Divine Matriarch Promo

  • Available in the Unbreakable Chest
    • Also for Direct Purchase (400c)

Crimson Queen

Nyx Crimson Queen Promo

  • Available for Direct Purchase (300c/60,000g)


Nyx Golden Promo

  • Reach level 50 with Nyx

Into the Abyss Event Pass

Event Pass 13 promo

Join Nyx with our latest Event Pass – and descend Into the Abyss! Instantly unlock the Doom Bringer Seris skin for purchasing, and unlock a total of 30 levels of rewards as you play!

Players can also purchase a Buy All option to get all content in the Into the Abyss Event Pass instantly!

Event Pass Content

Instant Unlock

  • 50% Experience & Gold Boost
  • Doom Bringer Seris

Level 1 - Doom Bringer Seris

Seris Doom Bringer Promo

Level 10 - Flame Bringer Seris

Seris Flame Bringer Promo

Level 20 - Wings of Darkness Saati

Saati Wings of Darkness Promo

Level 29 - Wings of Carnage Saati

Saati Wings of Carnage Promo

Other Event Pass Exclusive Unlocks


All Spray Queen of Hearts IconAll Spray Grim Laughter IconAll Spray Doom Bringer IconAll Spray Into the Abyss IconAll Spray Abyssal Salute Icon

  • Queen of Hearts Static Spray
    • Level 6
  • Grim Laughter Animated Spray
    • Level 9
  • Doom Bringer Static Spray
    • Level 18
  • Into the Abyss Animated Spray
    • Level 19
  • Abyssal Salute Static Spray
    • Level 22


Avatar Malevolent Matron IconAvatar Bloody Brilliant IconAvatar Abyssal Outcry Icon

  • Malevolent Matron Static Avatar
    • Level 8
  • Bloody Brilliant Animated Avatar
    • Level 13
  • Abyssal Outcry Static Avatar
    • Level 25

Death Stamp

Death Stamp Abyssal Outcry Icon

  • Abyssal Outcry Death Stamp
    • Level 3

Death Card

DeathCard Who's the Dummy?

  • Who’s the Dummy? Death Card
    • Level 16

Loading Frame

Skeletal Frame

  • Skeletal Frame Loading Frame
    • Level 27

Trials of the Realm

We are reevaluating the Trials system, so we will not be releasing Trials for 23.1, but stay tuned for future announcements!

Limited Time Modes

The 23.1 patch will feature 1 unique and several previously popular modes that rotate throughout the patch cycle. Each week there will be a different limited time mode available, from midnight Friday until 8am on Monday, EST. Here’s are some quick previews of what to expect next:

Get Nyx-ed

Fit for a queen! All players are Nyxes with 20% reduced cooldowns and 50% increased damage.

Greatest Hits

  • The remainder of LTMs for this patch will be made up of various modes that were popular in previous patches, including:
    • Test Maps
    • Super Random
    • Cards to the Max
    • Division
    • Knock, Knock!
    • Cosmic Death
    • Hole in One
    • It’s Treeson Then
    • Raumpage
    • Floor is Lava

Payload is back!

It returns! For all weekdays in which a weekend LTM is not active, from 8am Monday to Friday at midnight (EST), Payload will be active in the LTM slot instead! Return to maps like Ice Push, Outpost, and Jungle and compete to push your cart the farthest!


Bloody Bakemono Koga

Koga Bloody Bakemono Promo

  • Available in the Bestial Rage Chest & Direct Purchase for 400c

Retro Vivian

Vivian Retro Promo

  • Available in the Through the Ages Chest & Direct Purchase for 400c


Stellar Protector's

Stellar Protector's Chest

  • Price
    • 200 Crystals
  • Contents:
    • Skins
      • Stellar Sentinel Inara
      • Stellar Sorceress Imani
      • Stellar Protector Io
      • Stellar Mender Seris

Includes the color variations as rolls!

General Updates

UI Overhaul

  • With this UI overhaul, the goal was to make your inventory easier to view and equip between the Profile and the Store. All game accessories are now split: what you own is found in your profile, while stuff you do not own can be found in the store. The Player Profile has also been cleaned up with less info hidden behind a popup and by reorganizing how the tabs are organized (like now you will find match history as the first tab in your Profile>Player).
  • We also updated the Landing page of the Store. Now when you open the Store under the Daily Deal, a mixture of items will appear to help promote more items to the players. Our art team makes a lot of cool things that have always been hard to find unless you know where to find them and this should help surface content.
  • We also removed the Splash Art for skins to help with visual clarity of the game. This change makes it easier to identify which skin you’re picking in the Match Lobby, as well as what champions you are going against while in the loading screen. Unifying the look of these to appear more consistent to the in-game presentation will make the game easier to approach. We are looking at ways to incorporate the Splash Arts into the game in an alternative way.

Bounty Store

  • The Bounty Store & Marketplace are closing as a part of Season 6. Bounty Skins you own will be kept, and any leftover Bounty Coin & duplicate skins will be rewarded as we transition. More info on specifics coming soon!

Ranked Split

This year, we intend to have 4 ranked splits of roughly 3 months each. Information on Split rewards will be announced at a later date.

Season 6 Ranked Rewards

  • Play 100 Games
    • Take Ying the Point Avatar
Avatar Take Ying the Point Icon
  • Win 100 Ranked matches
    • Inventor Pip Skin

Pip Inventor Promo

  • Reach Gold 5 or higher
    • Season 6 Loading Frame, awarded at the end of Season 6

Season 5 Ranked Frames


Players who received 500 commendations during Season 5 will receive this frame at the beginning of Season 6:

Split 1

Split Rewards

  • Play 15 Ranked matches
    • Gold Chest
  • Play 25 Ranked matches
    • Doombringer, Limited Avatar
Avatar Doombringer Icon


Air Strafing

  • Partial revert from 1200 up to 1650.

Mid-Air Inaccuracy

  • Fully removed!



  • Increase the effectiveness of Shields you create by 8/16/24% ➞ 10/20/30%

Kill to Heal

  • Getting a kill or elimination heals you for 250/500/750 ➞ 200/400/600 Health

Healer Shifts

The core of the “Dual Support Meta” issue seems to be that certain healers are too good at both healing and damage dealing. The intent of these changes is to make the most frequent offenders among supports choose either one or the other, while still allowing players to lean into their existing preference of playstyles.

  • New Keywords on Talents
    • Curative
      • Gain 20% Healing Done
    • Remedy
      • Gain 10% Healing and +5% Damage Done
    • Surgery
      • Gain 10% Damage Done
  • Healers Affected:
    • Pip
      • Mega Potion
        • Gained Remedy
      • Catalyst
        • Gained Surgery
      • Combat Medic
        • Gained Curative
    • Furia
      • Cherish
        • Gained Remedy
      • Exterminate
        • Gained Surgery
      • Solar Blessing
        • Gained Curative
    • Grohk
      • Totemic Ward
        • Gained Remedy
      • Spirit’s Domain
        • Gained Curative
      • Maelstrom
        • Gained Surgery
    • Grover
      • Rampant Blooming
        • Gained Curative
      • Ferocity
        • Gained Surgery
      • Deep Roots
        • Gained Remedy

Champion Androxus Icon Androxus

  • Talents
    • Talent Androxus HeadsWillRoll Cursed Revolver
      • Removed
    • Talent Androxus Darkstalker Dark Stalker
      • ➞ New (to some) Talent
      • Nether Step now has 3 separate charges and is no longer linked.

Champion Atlas Icon Atlas

  • Base Health
    • 3500 ➞ 4000

Champion Azaan Icon Azaan

  • Talents
    • Talent Azaan Tempering Tempering
      • Increase their base Cooldown by 50% ➞ 25%.

Champion Barik Icon Barik

  • Talents
    • Talent Barik Tinkerin Tinkerin’
      • Damage increased 550 ➞ 600

Champion Dredge Icon Dredge

  • Cards
    • Expansive Vault
      • Jump height is increased for your first jump within {1|1}s after exiting Shortcut. ➞ {2.5|1}s
    • Crow's Nest
      • Hitting yourself with Broadside now applies a Knockback of {500|100} ➞ {500|150}.

Champion Fernando Icon Fernando

  • Talents
    • Talent Fernando Aegis Aegis
      • Shield Health reduced from 5200 ➞ 4900

Champion Furia Icon Furia

  • Abilities
    • WeaponAttack Furia Icon Pyre Blade
      • 330 Damage every 0.5s ➞ 315
    • Ability Pyre Strike Pyre Strike
      • Additional 20 damage every 0.05s ➞ 0.07s
    • Ability Kindle Soul Kindle Soul
      • Restoring 1000 health and an additional 400 health ➞ 850 + 340 over 2s
    • Ability Inflame Inflame
      • This effect lasts 8s ➞ 7s

Champion Grohk Icon Grohk

  • Abilities
    • Ability Healing Totem Healing Totem
      • Restores 270 health every 1s ➞ 256

Champion Grover Icon Grover

  • Abilities
    • WeaponAttack Grover Icon Throwing Axe
      • Damage is increased based on distance traveled, up to 750 damage. ➞ 700
    • Ability Blossom Blossom
      • Passively heal allies around you for 80 every 1s. ➞ 75 every 1s
      • Provide nearby allies a large burst of 650 healing ➞ 600

Champion Inara Icon Inara

  • Talents
    • Talent Inara MothersGrace Mother’s Grace
      • Damage Reduction increased 10% ➞ 15%
  • Abilities
    • WeaponAttack Inara Icon Stone Spear
      • ➞ Removed Self Slow
    • Ability Earthen Guard Earthen Guard
      • Damage Reduction increased 30% ➞ 35%

Champion Jenos Icon Jenos

  • Talents
    • Talent Jenos BinaryStar Binary Star
      • Ammo count increased 10 ➞ 15

Champion Kasumi Icon Kasumi

  • Abilities
    • WeaponAttack Kasumi Icon Yokai Doll
      • Now requires a target before it can be fired

Champion Pip Icon Pip

  • Abilities
    • WeaponAttack Pip Icon Potion Launcher
      • Damage 600 ➞ 570
    • Ability Explosive Flask Explosive Flask
      • Damage 150 ➞ 145 (is still 150 in-game)

Champion Raum Icon Raum

  • Talents
    • Talent Raum Subservience Subservience
      • Heal reduced from 2% ➞ 1.5% max health per soul.

Champion Skye Icon Skye

  • Abilities
    • Ability Hidden Hidden
      • Cooldown reduced from 15 ➞ 14

Champion Torvald Icon Torvald

  • Abilities
    • Ability Recharge Recharge
      • Shield Cap increased from 2000 ➞ 3000
      • Recharge shields fill increased from 2200 ➞ 3000

Champion VII Icon VII

  • Abilities
    • WeaponAttack VII Icon Heavy SMG
      • Burst Mode damage reduced from 155 per shot ➞ 150 per shot

Champion Ying Icon Ying

  • Abilities
    • Ability Illusion Illusion
      • Healing increased from 400 / 1.6s up to 420

Bug Fixes



  • Fixed an issue where rejuvenate was healing for incorrect amounts
    • Healing for 8-12-20 instead of 10-20-30


  • Fixed an issue where Drogoz’ Dominator MVP Pose was using the Drogoz Mastery MVP animation.
  • Fixed an issue where Drogoz’ Mastery MVP Pose was using the Drogoz Default MVP animation.


  • Fixed an issue where Rei’s Chain Heal wouldn’t bounce properly between allies.
    • This issue was caused by last patches buff to the projectiles speed and has been reverted as we investigate the issue further.


  • Fixed an issue where Yagorath’s Golden skin would not display properly in game.


  • Fixed an issue that caused players to be unable to send messages to friends via the socials tab

Under Investigation

  • Certain sprays have an issue that causes them to float rather than to be placed on wall or the ground.
  • Drogoz’ Ultimate being canceled by the hammer collision on dawn forge.

