Paladins Wiki

Pyre Lords are notable entities of the Pyre. The Abyss has their own version of these entities known as Abyssal Lords.

Known Pyre Lords[ | ]

Champion Azaan Icon Azaan

Champion Nyx Icon Nyx (former)

Trivia[ | ]

  • It's unknown how similar Pyre Lords are to their Abyssal counterparts beyond the names.
  • It's unknown if Furia is associated with a Pyre Lord, similarly to how her sister is associated with an Abyssal Lord.[1][2][3]
  • It's been implied that Pyre Lords are servants of the Pyre itself.[4]
  • It's unknown where Pyre Lords originate, though some at least, such as Azaan, originate from the Pyre itself.[5]
    • It's now known that some Pyre beings like Furia are created by higher hierarchy beings shown in He Who Persists.
    • Azaan's is a hosted being[6], in his biography [7]it directly says that he was an old king of a Long-Forgotten KIngdom and everything matches, meaning there are higher beings than Azaan and someone gave him the task to keep the Realm out of Abyss influence.


Major Factions
Magistrate  •  Resistance  •  Abyss  •  Darkness

Anti-Abyss  •  Anti-Darkness  •  Nature Protectors  •  Neutral

Bomb Kingdom  •  Deepwerks  •  Eternal Pyre  •  Followers of Io  •  House Aico  •  House Arturos  •  Outer Tribunal  •  Paladins (Former)  •  Red River Orcs  •  Sentinels  •  Shadow Tribunal  •  Summer Court  •  Tau-Kor Monastery  •  Thousand Hands Guild  •  Warders  •  Unknown Groups

Noteworthy Items / Forces
Crystals  •  Magic  •  Souls  •  Warder's Key  •  Warder's Relic

Notable Positions
Abyssal Lord  •  Border Lord  •  Grand Magister  •  Pyre Lord

The Realm
Abyss  •  Aico Tundra  •  Crosswind Hold  •  The Eight Oceans  •  Enchanted Forest  •  Greenwood  •  Lunar Coast  •  Seris (Village)  •  Temple Isles  •  Trade Row  •  Warder's Watch

Abyssal Creature  •  Animal  •  Construct  •  Darkness  •  Dragon  •  Deities  •  Dwarf  •  Elemental  •  Elf  •  Faerie  •  Goblin  •  Human  •  Leipori  •  Orc  •  Pyre Creature  •  Ska'drin  •  Spirit  •  Stagalla  •  Tigron  •  Transformed  •  Undead  •  Vulpin  •  Wyrin

Complete Timeline
Complete Timeline  •  Paladins Chronicles

Story Arcs
Crystal Arc  •  Darkness Arc  •  Ska'drin Arc

Time Periods
The Ancient Age  •  The Age of the Paladins  •  The Golden Age  •  The Age of Resistance  •  The Lost Future

Notable Events
Dragon Scourge  •  Goblin Scourges  •  Golden Age  •  Crystal War  •  Koga's Revenge  •  Destruction of Seris  •  Battle of Ascension Peak  •  Warders Return  •  The Fight of the Shattered Desert  •  Shattered Goddess' Return  •  The Summoning of Raum  •  The Darkness Released  •  Shift of Power

NPCs  •  Updated Bios  •  Alternate Realities  •  Canon Skins  •  Statues  •  Legends  •  Misconceptions  •  Retcons  •  Character Feats  •  Alpha Lore
