Paladins Wiki
Paladins Wiki

Champion Selection[ | ]

Introduction[ | ]

  • ▶️ "I'm an Engineer, that means I solve problems."
  • ▶️ "This here calls for precision engineering."

Mounting Up[ | ]

Skills[ | ]

Barricade[ | ]

Turret[ | ]

Rockets Boots[ | ]

Dome Shield (Ultimate)[ | ]

Grunts[ | ]

Attacking[ | ]

▶️  •  ▶️  • ▶️  •  ▶️  •  ▶️

Taking Damage[ | ]

▶️  •  ▶️  • ▶️  •  ▶️  •  ▶️

Jumping[ | ]

▶️  •  ▶️  • ▶️  •  ▶️  •  ▶️

Status Related[ | ]

Attempting to Use Ability on Cooldown[ | ]

Taking Damage[ | ]

Burning[ | ]

Stunned or Frozen[ | ]

Leaving Combat with Low Health[ | ]

Being Healed[ | ]

Death[ | ]

Kill Related[ | ]

First Blood[ | ]

Kill Assist[ | ]

Kill Streak[ | ]

Kill Taunt[ | ]

  • ▶️ "Down with the king." (Bomb King)
  • ▶️ "Monarchy is such an antiquated system of social governance." (Bomb King)
  • ▶️ "Big gun. Didn't do ya any good, though." (Buck)
  • ▶️ "The bigger they are, the more holes you can make." (Buck)
  • ▶️ "Fine lady you are. Dead now, but fine." (Cassie)
  • ▶️ "How do you roll around like that? Doesn't it hurt?" (Cassie)
  • ▶️ "Avarice is a vice that consumes the heart of men. And dragons." (Drogoz)
  • ▶️ "Boy howdy, guess I'm a dragon slayer!" (Drogoz)
  • ▶️ "See ya later, pretty boy." (Fernando)
  • ▶️ "Watch where you're pointing that thing! Someone could get hurt." (Fernando)
  • ▶️ "Ain't easy being blue." (Grohk)
  • ▶️ "Where did you get your tickle beam?" (Grohk)
  • ▶️ "Aww, who's a good puppy?" (Pip)
  • ▶️ "That's why you don't feed them after midnight." (Pip)
  • ▶️ "Using machines to fight your battles? Heh. Wait..." (Ruckus)
  • ▶️ "You look kinda like an angry jellybean." (Ruckus)
  • ▶️ "Fight me like a man. Er..." (Skye)
  • ▶️ "If you're trying to sneak up on people, maybe you shouldn't wear perfume." (Skye)

Kill an Enemy Using a Skill[ | ]

Barricade[ | ]

Turret[ | ]

Objective[ | ]

Capturing a Point[ | ]

Enemy Capturing a Point[ | ]

Match End[ | ]

Victory[ | ]

Defeat[ | ]

  • ▶️ "Even a blind hog finds an acorn now and then."
  • ▶️ "Gotta give credit where credit's due."

Miscellaneous[ | ]

Taunts[ | ]

Jokes[ | ]

  • ▶️ "You know what they say about physics and mathematics? I'm an Engineer."
  • ▶️ "Can we build it? Yes we can."
  • ▶️ "Pay no attention to the man behind the turret!"

Using Weapon[ | ]

Attacking While on Point[ | ]

Item Purchased[ | ]

Laughs[ | ]

▶️  •  ▶️  •  ▶️

Main Lobby[ | ]

Unlocking Cosmetic[ | ]

Enemy Position[ | ]

Behind[ | ]

Sniper[ | ]

VGS[ | ]

VGS Outcome
A Attack
B Enemy
C Careful
D Defend
E Emote
H Help
R Retreat
S Self
V Other

VA - Attack[ | ]

VGS Outcome
1 ▶️ "Flank left!"
2 ▶️ "Attack up the middle!"
3 ▶️ "Flank right!"
A ▶️ "Attack!"
G ▶️ "Attack the objective!"

VB - Enemy[ | ]

VGS Outcome
1 ▶️ "Enemies on the left flank!"
2 ▶️ "Enemies up the middle!"
3 ▶️ "Enemies on the right flank!"
B ▶️ "Enemies have returned to base!"
E ▶️ "Enemies behind us!"
G ▶️ "Enemies on the point!"
I ▶️ "Enemies incoming!"
S ▶️ "Enemy spotted!"

VC - Careful[ | ]

VGS Outcome
1 ▶️ "Be careful, left flank!"
2 ▶️ "Be careful, middle!"
3 ▶️ "Be careful, right flank!"
B ▶️ "Return to base!"
C ▶️ "Be careful!"

VD - Defend[ | ]

VGS Outcome
1 ▶️ "Defend left flank!"
2 ▶️ "Defend the middle!"
3 ▶️ "Defend right flank!"
D ▶️ "Defend!"
G ▶️ "Defend the objective!"

VE - Emote[ | ]

VGS Outcome
A ▶️ "Cream gravy!"
G ▶️ "I wish you could all see how bad I'm kicking their tail!"
J Jokes
L Laughs
R ▶️ "That there was a fine piece of work!"
T Taunts
W ▶️ "Yee-haw!"

VH - Help[ | ]

VGS Outcome
1 ▶️ "Help left flank!"
2 ▶️ "Help up the middle!"
3 ▶️ "Help right flank!"
H ▶️ "Help!"
S ▶️ "Need healing!"

VR - Retreat[ | ]

VGS Outcome
R ▶️ "Retreat!"
S ▶️ "Save yourself!"

VS - Self[ | ]

VGS Outcome
A Attack
D Defend
O ▶️ "I'm on it!"
R ▶️ "Falling back!"

VSA - Attack[ | ]

VGS Outcome
1 ▶️ "I'll attack left flank!"
2 ▶️ "I'll attack up the middle!"
3 ▶️ "I'll attack right flank!"
A ▶️ "I'll attack!"
B ▶️ "I'll attack the base!"
G ▶️ "I'll attack the objective!"

VSD - Defend[ | ]

VGS Outcome
1 ▶️ "I'll defend left flank!"
2 ▶️ "I'll defend the middle!"
3 ▶️ "I'll defend right flank!"
B ▶️ "I'll defend the base!"
D ▶️ "I'll defend!"
G ▶️ "I'll defend the objective!"

VV - Other[ | ]

VGS Outcome
G General
V Position
A ▶️ "Ok!"
B ▶️ "Be right back!"
C ▶️ "Completed!"
K ▶️ "Stepping away for a moment."
N ▶️ "No!"
P ▶️ "Please?"
S ▶️ "Sorry."
T ▶️ "Thanks!"
W ▶️ "Wait!"
X ▶️ "Cancel that!"
Y ▶️ "Yes!"

VVG - General[ | ]

VGS Outcome
B ▶️ "Y'all come back now!"
F ▶️ "Have fun!"
G ▶️ "Hell, that was easy!"
H ▶️ "Howdy y'all!"
L ▶️ "Good luck!"
N ▶️ "Job well done!"
O ▶️ "Gosh, darn it!"
Q ▶️ "Shut your trap."
R ▶️ "Ah, it's nothing."
S ▶️ "Dang nabbit."
T ▶️ "That just ain't right!"
W ▶️ "Weren't no thing!"

VVV - Position[ | ]

VGS Outcome
A ▶️ "Set up an ambush here!"
B ▶️ "Behind us!"
C ▶️ "Run them down!"
D ▶️ "Ultimate is down!"
E ▶️ "On my way!"
F ▶️ "Follow me!"
G ▶️ "Group up!"
R ▶️ "Ultimate is ready!"
S ▶️ "Stay here!"
T ▶️ "It's a trap!"
X ▶️ "Spread out!"

Unused[ | ]

Destroying Siege Engine[ | ]

Destroying Gate[ | ]

Level Up[ | ]

Unlocking an Achievement[ | ]

Idling[ | ]

Flank[ | ]

Enemy Ultimate[ | ]

Enemy using Ultimate[ | ]

Payload[ | ]

Payload Stuck[ | ]

Enemy Payload[ | ]

Enemy Payload Moving[ | ]

VGS[ | ]

Voice lines

Voice Packs

Class Front Line Icon Front Line[]

Champion Ash Icon Ash (RoninSka'DrinStreet StyleXeno-Buster)
Champion Atlas Icon Atlas (CorruptedLegionnaire)
Champion Azaan Icon Azaan (Dark Drake)
Champion Barik Icon Barik (Steel ForgedSwashbucklerTeam Fortress 2)
Champion Fernando Icon Fernando (DigitizedEnforcerFN-01 HeliosGod of WarKnightmareShore Patrol)
Champion Inara Icon Inara (DigitizedIce WalkerIron MadamLady LibertyStellar Sentinel)
Champion Khan Icon Khan (Ameri-KhanDraconic EnforcerEternal GuardianJudge & JuryJustin OHOverlordSafecracker)
Champion Makoa Icon Makoa (AkumaCrocfatherDutchmanOmegaPlushyVolcanic)
Champion Nyx Icon Nyx (Scorched)
Champion Raum Icon Raum (Crypt GuardianKraumpusR.O.M.The Harlequin)
Champion Ruckus Icon Ruckus (Pirate's TreasureRobo ForceStar Slayer)
Champion Terminus Icon Terminus (AbominableCosmic TitanJotunnOmegaSteel Forged)
Champion Torvald Icon Torvald (BerserkerClockworkDark Lord)
Champion Yagorath Icon Yagorath (CuddlyLeviathan)

Class Damage Icon Damage[]

Champion Betty La Bomba Icon Betty La Bomba (Dragonette)
Champion Bomb King Icon Bomb King (A-bomb-inableCuddle KingDigitizedHoney KingLove MachinePumpkingTwitch Prime King)
Champion Cassie Icon Cassie (DragoncallerDune CrawlerNight BaneSun KissedWHIPPED CREAM)
Champion Dredge Icon Dredge (MerrymakerOmega)
Champion Drogoz Icon Drogoz (Abyssal LordDreadhunterDZ-03 DracoFreeglePyre Warrior)
Champion Imani Icon Imani (E-ManiOmegaSteel ForgedStellar SorceressYang Xiao Long)
Champion Kinessa Icon Kinessa (Battlesuit Eagle EyeDunestriderNova StrikeShore PatrolValentina)
Champion Lian Icon Lian (Dark MonarchEternal ConflictGalactic ScionGoddessHigh ElfMerrymakerShore PatrolSoulweaver)
Champion Octavia Icon Octavia (Beachside)
Champion Omen Icon Omen (Flame-born Jace)
Champion Saati Icon Saati (Blake BelladonnaSea QueenWings of Darkness)
Champion Sha Lin Icon Sha Lin (OmegaOutlawVigilante)
Champion Strix Icon Strix (BazaarHustlerInfiltratorMercenaryRemixScalebane)
Champion Tiberius Icon Tiberius (Aka OniLifeguardTomb Keeper)
Champion Tyra Icon Tyra (ArchangelDire WolfDrakefireEternal EmissaryFirebrandGunslingerHeartbreakerMarauderRed Winter)
Champion Viktor Icon Viktor (ChaseCode GreenDraconic FighterFull MoonLegionnaireRamboV1-KTOR)
Champion Vivian Icon Vivian (Day WalkerFull ThrottleOmegaStudent of Magic)
Champion Willo Icon Willo (HemlockSugar PlumWill.0)

Class Support Icon Support[]

Champion Corvus Icon Corvus (CountCrimson CrowPyre-Lord MagnusQrow Branwen)
Champion Furia Icon Furia (AuroraBattlesuit AngelShrine GuardianSolfireSoul-StealerWeiss Schnee)Champion Grohk Icon Grohk (BrimstoneChieftainNeon Demon)
Champion Grover Icon Grover (Doom ShroomGR0B0TGrovosSoul Briar)
Champion Io Icon Io (CorruptedPirate's TreasureSaltStellar Protector)
Champion Jenos Icon Jenos (Eternal FervorExarchGentlemanMernosRemixSoul Eater)
Champion Lillith Icon Lillith (Stellar WitchWeaver Reborn)
Champion Mal'Damba Icon Mal'Damba (ChancellorShadow LordSteel ForgedWickerman)
Champion Moji Icon Moji (CuddlyDragonbornPEEKABOORed Ridin')
Champion Pip Icon Pip (InvaderInventorMad ScientistRemix Pepper)
Champion Rei Icon Rei (Class PresidentPumpkin Patch)
Champion Seris Icon Seris (CottontailDivineDoom BringerInfernalJade PriestessMadameRemixSalemStellar Mender)
Champion Ying Icon Ying (CarnivalDeath SpeakerDivine DaughterFull DiveGenieJurassicMermaidReplicantStreet Style)

Class Flank Icon Flank[]

Champion Androxus Icon Androxus (AvatarBattlesuit GodslayerEliminateFallenGrave DangerHuntsmanSteam DemonSteel Forged)
Champion Buck Icon Buck (Buck WildBuckulesRipjawTriggerman)
Champion Caspian Icon Caspian (Pride of the Realm)
Champion Evie Icon Evie (BewitchingMerrymakerSweet ShopTroublemaker)
Champion Kasumi Icon Kasumi (Lovestruck)
Champion Koga Icon Koga (BossfightEternal RetributionOmegaPrototypeShore Patrol)
Champion Lex Icon Lex (Bounty HunterCovert OpsL-Exo SuitLongboardYasamin)
Champion Maeve Icon Maeve (CammieDemonetteEmerald BanditMerrymakerPirate's TreasureRaeveSchoolyardStreet Style)
Champion Skye Icon Skye (AcademicGG MagreeHeartbreakerKunoichiStreet StyleTemptress)
Champion Talus Icon Talus (OniTrick or TreatWukong)
Champion Vatu Icon Vatu (Mayhem)
Champion VII Icon VII (Pandemonium)
Champion Vora Icon Vora (Danse MacabreGalactic ConquerorRuby RoseSeal Guardian)
Champion Zhin Icon Zhin (ConquerorDemon SlayerEbon StarKazuMeiOmegaUnderkeeper)

Announcer Packs

Game Announcers
Announcer Default DefaultAnnouncer First Mate First MateAnnouncer High Command High CommandAnnouncer Jester JesterAnnouncer Town Crier Lore LadyAnnouncer Town Crier Town Crier
Real World Announcers
Announcer Amelia Watson Amelia WatsonAnnouncer Bruce Buffer Bruce BufferAnnouncer Drybear DrybearAnnouncer FeyRazzle FeyRazzleAnnouncer Le Tigress Le TigressAnnouncer PrettyHair PrettyHairAnnouncer Punk Duck Punk DuckAnnouncer Raynday RayndayAnnouncer Rohn Jobert Rohn JobertAnnouncer Vox Vox
Character Announcers
Announcer Atlas AtlasAnnouncer Azaan AzaanAnnouncer Bomb King Bomb KingAnnouncer Evie EvieAnnouncer Fernando FernandoAnnouncer Lian LianAnnouncer Saati SaatiAnnouncer Vora Vora
Foreign Language Packs
Announcer International ESLAAnnouncer International FrenchAnnouncer International GermanAnnouncer International PTBRAnnouncer International Russian

Removed / Unused Voice Packs

Announcer Default Alpha Announcer  •  Champion Willo Icon OB66 Willo  •  Grohk neondemonold small Old Neon Demon Grohk  •  Barik specops small Spec Ops Barik
